Register to Attend


Registration Fee Inclusions

Registration for SAINTCON includes the following:

Cost Increase

This year we are increasing costs for SAINTCON by $20 over the standard price. With this extra money we will be offering paid trainings to all attendees. When we decided to pay for training, we were blown away by the response to our Call for Trainers. We have some great trainers and content being finalized, and we are excited to offer them to you as part of the conference pass.

If the extra $20 is not something you can afford, you can register for the conference and opt-out of trainings by using the discount code: "NOTRAININGS".


If costs to attend SAINTCON are prohibitive, we are offering more ways than ever to make attending SAINTCON possible.

Group Discounts

If you are a large organization and looking for larger group discounts, we are able to offer them, but because we run the conference on a zero-based budget, the discounts we can offer are not spectacular. The SAINTCON 2016 group discounts are outlined as follows:

To inquire about group discounts, please send email to [email protected] with the relevant information.