Utah's Premier Cyber Security Conference
SAINTCON 2020 Single User Mode: October 27-30
To our Attendees and Community Members,
Due to the impact of the global pandemic, and for the safety of our community, we have made the decision to not hold a traditional SAINTCON 2020 event in October. This decision comes after a lot of deliberations and discussion about many available options to do a partial/virtual event, in-person options, etc. In the end the decision was made for safety, preserving the community nature of the conference by not trying to make it be just a bunch of virtual talks, and preserving our financial ability to continue SAINTCON into the future.
We all know that we can use a break from the new-normal, and so after a lot of discussion, we have decided to proceed with many of the online-based challenges and events, and offer them in a play-as-you-can format. We promise it will be fun, engaging, and instructional. Prizes will be awarded for winners, including the coveted black-badge for the winner of the Hackers-Challenge Contest. There are many ideas flowing, and details will be released soon. Some online content and instruction will be included, but will not be presented in a conference format, and will be available to consume at your own pace.
Participation in these events will be *FREE* and open to the public, but will require pre-registration to access the various challenges, and so that we can send you event details.
I cannot say we are excited for having to cancel the event, but we are excited to still find some meaningful way to interact and have some structured fun together with you all over the course of a week in October.
More details will be communicated and posted soon to our website. Registration for the event will begin early August.