Brought to you by
G0vn4571 and Sheeprock
Every security topic you can imagine, but in ONE community.
Short presentations (5-10 minutes, hard stop at 10 minutes). If you have a cool home lab, or project at work to brag. Might not be full 30-60 minute presentation, so give it 10 minutes and share what you learned.
Everything you need to know…
Not all presenters are ready to fill 30-60 minutes. And not all topics need that time. So come share the cool things you’ve tried. Maybe it turned out just like you hoped, maybe it crashed and burned. Either way you learned something. Share it with the rest of us!
We all know briefs are short and tight, and supportive. Keep your presentation tight, and let the community be supportive as you get your feet wet into presenting at a conference. 5-10 minutes is all it takes. It’s a hard out at 10 minutes. Questions on something cool you heard, then track down the presenter and keep the conversation going.
The community will take 6-10 presenters each day for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Kicking off as the lunch break begins. Grab a plate and eat while you get inspired for new projects. Learn something new and get inspired!
Sign Up to Present
Click the big button just above and choose the day you’d prefer, and we’ll try to accommodate as best we can.
Once we have the schedule assembled we’ll reach out via Discord, Twitter or Email to let you know your time slot.
Hours of Operation
- Monday
Expo Closed Monday - Tuesday
During Lunch - Wednesday
During Lunch - Thursday
During Lunch - Friday
No Briefs
What you Learn
- Coming Soon
MiniBadge Details
Come attend a brief and ask for details on how get this cool MiniBadge.
There might even be a unique minibadge available only for those that present. So click that sign-up button above.

Desktop Wallpaper
Our community has desktop wallpaper available for download.