Call for Contests, Communities and Events | SAINTCON 2021


Call for Contests, Communities and Events is now OPEN!!


Contests, Communities and Events are a huge part of SAINTCON every year. It's a chance to not only test your skills but learn new skills in the process. We promise to challenge you, make you think, and help you leave with new skills and knowledge that will assist you in the IT Security industry. For some, our Contests, Communities and Events are the sole draw to the conference. As SAINTCON continues to grow, the demand for awesome Contests, Communities and Events grow with it.

As more Contests, Communities and Events are added to the lineup, we need additional support from the community to build, manage and run them. We need your ideas, your passion, and your tireless efforts to help put on a great 2021 conference. If this is something you are interested in, please fill out the proposal linked above.

We will be closing the call for Contests, Communities and Events June 30, 2021.

Keep in mind there are a limited number of slots available that could fill up before the official close so get those submissions in early!

Contests, Communities & Events Currently Locked In

This list will continue to be updated as new Contests, Communities and Events are approved. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above Contests, Communities or Events, please see: Call for Volunteers.

For questions or comments, please reach out to contests [at] saintcon [dot] org