Crack the Password

The Crack The Password Competition is all about teaching people good password management by learning the techniques and tricks hackers use to crack passwords! The competition has been designed for all skill levels from n00b to l33t cracker. You do not need any prior experience or even a GPU to compete and have fun. All challenges have been carefully designed to be solvable by anyone. In previous years, we’ve had several teams participate without prior experience and still have a blast. But fear not if you are a cracking guru—there will still be plenty of expert-level challenges to keep you busy! Challenges will cover a range of password topics, from hash extraction to crafting custom wordlists.

Everyone, SAINTCON attendee or not, is invited and encouraged to play!

Brought to you by: Q and metacortex

Hours of Operation

– Competition will run for 60 hours (2 .5 days)
Begins on Tuesday, Oct 25th, at 13:00 MDT (19:00 UTC)
Ends on Friday, Oct 28th, at 11:00 MDT (05:00 UTC)

GPU Access

If you’re competing and don’t have access to a GPU, stop by the booth and let us know. We may be able to give you remote access to one from the village.

Contest Prizes:

Prizes will be awarded to the top on-site teams!

It is recommended to Keep an eye on this page or our Twitter for updates and announcements.