While paying the bills as a physical penetration specialist with The CORE Group and the Director of Education for Red Team Alliance, Deviant Ollam is also a member of the Board of Directors of the US division of TOOOL, The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers. His books Practical Lock Picking and Keys to the Kingdom are among Syngress Publishing’s best-selling pen testing titles. In addition to being a lockpicker, Deviant is also a SAVTA certified safe technician and GSA certified safe and vault inspector. At multiple annual security conferences Deviant started Lockpick Village workshop areas, and he has conducted physical security training sessions for Black Hat, the SANS Institute, DeepSec, ToorCon, HackCon, ShakaCon, HackInTheBox, ekoparty, AusCERT, GovCERT, CONFidence, the FBI, the NSA, DARPA, the National Defense University, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and the United States Military Academy at West Point.

In his limited spare time, Deviant enjoys loud moments with lead acceleration and quiet times with podcasts. He arrives at airports too early and shows up at parties too late, but will promptly appear right on time for tacos or whiskey.


Stephanie Carruthers is a social engineering professional. At DEF CON 22 she won a black badge for the Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF). Stephanie also was on the winning team for SAINTCON’S Vault Physical Security challenge, which won the team a black badge. Over the last five years Stephanie has presented and taught trainings at multiple InfoSec conferences. Stephanie has performed a variety of Social Engineering assessments for clients ranging from start-ups, Fortune 100 companies, to government agencies as well as assisted consultancies build out their Social Engineering services. Stephanie is on the DEF CON CFP review board as a specialist for Social Engineering submissions. In her free time she enjoys trips to Disneyland.


A “notorious hacker” by FOX25 Boston, “World Class Hacker” by National Geographic Breakthrough Series and described as a “paunchy hacker” by Rolling Stone Magazine. He however prefers if people refer to him simply as a Hacker, Helper & Human.

He is the author of the “Dissecting the hack: Series” (which is currently required reading at 5 colleges in 3 countries that he knows of). Also the DEF CON Groups Global Ambassador. Plus the VP of InfoSec for SphereNY. He’s spoken at DEF CON, DEF CON China, GRRCon, DerbyCon at several other ‘CONs & colleges on a variety of Information Security subjects. He was also a guest lecturer for the Beijing Institute of Technology for 10 years.

He loves to explore the world & networks as much as he can. He has successfully robbed banks, hotels, government facilities, Biochemical companies, etc.. on five continents (Only successfully robbing the wrong bank in Lebanon once all others he was supposed to)!